Saturday, November 3, 2007

I am the person that made this blog!!!

I am the person that made this blog. I am going as much as I can to help huckabee win here in the northern area. If anyone has any ideas of what I should do? post here.

I have some ideas I will post here later.

thanks alot


Brently said...

Post some info about Gov Mike Huckabee. Links to his speeches on YouTube are a good start. Write an article about why you think he should be the nominee. Why is Gov Huckabee appealing to wide range of people? What makes him a good leader? What kind of experience does he have that qualifies him to be president? Get yourself over to:

Sign up and get busy, theres only a couple of months before the first primaries!!

kenny merriken said...

I think we are in a spiritual struggle for the republican party Huckabee victory in the California primary. As we gather strength for the coming days, it would be wise to start the daily activites at the headquarters with prayer and Bible reading. Ephesians ch. 6

Samuel Carstensen said...

This is the official grassroots networking tool of the campaign! Find the closest Meetup group to you and get involved! I believe there is even one in Roseville.

Good Luck!

Peggy said...

Then come back and tell us how you are doing.

Bohemian said...

Vote now in the AOl Online Straw Poll:

The Paulites are trying to skew the polls again...

California for Huckabee!

Huckabee for America! said...

'Aliens For Mike Huckabee'
T-Shirts, Hats, Stickers, Mugs, Buttons, Magnets, Bags, Mousepads, Postcards, Teddy Bears, Yard Signs, and more are available at:

Show your Support for Mike Huckabee!!!

Bohemian said...


"I will take our country back for those who belong here and those who are willing to play by the rules for the privilege to come here. No open borders, no amnesty, no sanctuary, no false Social Security numbers, no driver's licenses for illegals." - Mike Huckabee

Governor Mike Huckabee's Secure America Plan
A 9-Point Strategy for Immigration Enforcement and Border Security:

Although, Ronald Reagan did much for the country and the world...

The facts are the Reagan days gave us a repeat of Jimmy Carters amnesty, and began the stinking free trade agreements that has made big business rich and sent our manufacturing jobs to Mexico and world wide; additionally the abysmal Class III ban that we have been trying to get over turned every since...
Further, "The Brady Bunch"

I personally do not want to see this kind of politician back in office...

It is time for a new kind of politician, one whom believes in what what he says, can connect with the rest of America, one whom looks like your friend and neighbor and not the guy whom laid off your neighbor, or yourself...
And has a proven record of positive consistency...

I have personally and quite often painfully watched all the republican and democrat debates to date and remained objective throughout; and still can come to no other conclusion then Mike Huckabee is the most Authentic, Consistent, Compassionate and Experienced Candidate running from any party...

Notwithstanding that Mike Huckabee is the only canidate running from any party with a perfect second amendment support record and as of 2007 has the highest combined rating of any canidate from the NRA A+ and the GOA A-. Moreover, the only canidate running from any party with a CCW and the was the first Governor in the United States to obtain a CCW.

Without the second amendment, all other issues, policies, values etc., have no meaning or merit...

Mike Huckabee said it well at the recent South Carolina debate...
"Its time we started giving the Second Amendment the same attention we give the First Amendment..."

The facts on the false, baseless and misleading negative attacks on Mike Huckabee by Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Fred Thompson and others:

Mike Huckabee on the issues, policies, and values:

Sher said...

Hi everyone:
I just donated $100.00 to Huckabee's campaign and upped my Pledge to try and help raise $500.00 for him. I signed up as a Huckabee Ranger (Ranger Code R6119). Please help me reach my goal by donating here (copy & paste link):

Please keep Mike in Prayer and remember to vote in the California primary Feb 5th!

atkins said...

I'm a journalist in the San Francisco Bay Area. I'm looking for people who are campaigning for Huckabee. Perhaps a minister or someone with a strong belief in God. If you know anyone please contact me at

Thank you.

Bohemian said...

Just about all of us have unlimited long distance now a days; lets help the Mike Huckabee phone campaign:

atkins said...

Bohemian--- Do you have a phone number or e-mail address, so that I can talk to you directly?

Bohemian said...

bohemian - p e kenney at g ma il dot c om

atkins said...

Sorry--- Tried that account and it didn't work. Can you please email me at

Sher said...

Governor Huckabee will be speaking in San Francisco this
Thursday 1/31 at 12:00 noon at the Fairmont Hotel!

We need to have at least 50, if not 100, Huckabee supporters
displaying their enthusiasm near the venue so that Californians
will know that Gov. Huckabee has popular support in the Bay
Area and in N. California ! Anyone who can travel to San
Francisco Thursday morning should show up between 10:00 and 10:
30 AM on the sidewalk of the hotel where Governor Huckabee will
be speaking. The doors open at 11:00 AM, and he begins
speaking at 12:00 noon. It appears that anyone may buy a
ticket to go inside and hear him speak.
Further details here:

11 Smiths for Huckabee said...

I thought you might be interested in our new Huckabee video, "A Call to Texans." You can view the video here:

Please post this on your blog and pass it on to all your friends in Texas!